Sunday, July 28, 2013

PLEADING with America to WAKE UP

Dear Patriots (bcc herein w/permission to forward),

  YES Jimmy we have been writing and PLEADING with America to WAKE UP as this Government plays its Games advancing a covert policy in Broad Daylight.
  I encourage EVERYONE to read the article herein & below.

  The only thing TRANSPARENT about Obama is his Hidden Agenda that can NO longer be denied or dismissed.
  The Man is LAUGHING at us while he uses the ignorant liberal establishment as his props to sit behind him whenever & wherever as he gives another of his Lame and Meaningless Speeches like the recent one in which he called ALL of HIS Scandals ‘’PHONY’’.

  And yet, the ‘props’ behind him like that one woman (did y’all see her), would NOD in agreement as he spewed his PESTILENCE!

  This is REAL FOLKS and denial simply ain’t gonna cut it!

  He should have been IMPEACHED by now and the fact that he hasn’t, is indicative of how complicit this Congress is as Obama’s minions within it, along with his Radical Cabinet appointee’s and various czars are advancing their stranglehold on what remains of this Republic.

  I had someone tell me the other day that my writings, although detailed with fact and data, are “RADICAL.”

  I said, “Really. Then I must be in GOOD company” and the reply was, “What do you mean?”……

  “Because what I am saying along with those with whom I am associated is NO different than what the Founders were saying more than 250 years ago. And King George called them RADICAL as well and put a price on EACH of their heads for having the courage to speak the TRUTH for REVEALING, like us, his Deceit & Treachery as well!”

  In 6-weeks we will be acknowledging the 12th anniversary of 9-11.

It will also be a YEAR since Benghazi and we know NO more Today than we did Then or where Obama was that night or what Hillary did or didn’t do (as she prepares for 2016) while Kerry, THEIR replacement, runs the cover to DISTANCE It, Them and What happened a Year ago from us.

  And yet the NODDING HEADS & Stage Props will ‘Accept’ what this Muslim Mole says as “PHONY” despite an executive order to protect his boy Holder from his complicity within Fast & Furious and for refusing to provide the ‘Congressional Show’ with the e-mails forcing them to hold him in Contempt of Congress (HA!);

while various Federal appointees in the IRS take the 5th Amendment and Elijah Cummings of the Congressional Black Caucus (Democrat from Maryland) and ranking Democrat on the Houses’ ‘Oversight Committee’ says- “The IRS ‘situation’ has been addressed and we should move on” (HA!) while;

  we also learn that the various ABC departments of this ‘Federal’, err NATIONAL government (SNOOPS, Inc.) have been spying on each and every one of us Despite their Sworn Denials to another Congressional Committee  (HA!) while;

  the State Department has kept the names of those who SAW what happened and were there in Benghazi that night from being interviewed, one of whom who had the courage, Yesterday, to come forward and speak publically despite the fact that he is still in Walter Reed hospital (GOOD for YOU PATRIOT) while;

  Brian Terry is Dead thanks to Holder and 4 other Americans are dead resulting from Benghazi thanks to Obama BUT:

“Washington has taken its Eye off the Football and, as such, is preoccupied with ALL These Phony Scandals.”- Barack Hussein OBAMA

As an American- have YOU been that Dumbed Down to the extent YOU are buying ANY of this?

‘ A Country that knows NOT of Its Origin is like a Ship without a Rudder- Sooner or Later It WILL Destroy Itself on the Reef of Stupidity’-   c. maus

We Confederates have been trying to Tell You for Decades what has been UP…..are YOU Listening to Us NOW?
We Must Separate- It’s the ONLY Hope for the Old Republic,
Craig Maus,
President, The Confederate Society of America

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