Thursday, May 9, 2013



     Napoleon Bonaparte once shrewdly commented, "Impossible is a word found only in the dictionary of fools!"

     First of all let me tell you that the super rich power elite have a secret worldwide investment market apparently not registered with the SEC or other securities agencies in the world. Until federal operatives broke into my house to steal from my home office there 3 copies of the 47 page listing of all the contacts around the world for the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc., I had listed probably all the top contacts of the secret power elite for the best financial deals in the world. The feds were covering for the power elite as I had uncovered a colossal secret they were hiding from the American people and people across the world. They also erased from my computer memory the copy of this 47 page listing of the top investment market in the world. Among their offers was a return of 1,500 % interest on your investment for 90 days so long as you put in one million dollars or more into it. Also, the way this very huge secret worldwide financial market was set up, I got the impression that the billionaires and trillionaires participating in it paid no taxes to any government on earth having paid off governments to look the other way for the trillions of dollars they made off of this worldwide secret financial market apparently all the time. Now if I had a copy of this list also elsewhere, I would not confirm it here, but I learned how their worldwide market worked which I think they did not want me to find out about. If I found out about it, then later I might tell you about this secret of the secret super powerful rich who do not let themselves be listed in Forbes Magazine for how rich they really are. If some of you know more about this secret worldwide market, send me an email of what you know. 
     I had a secret business source in Arizona who told me and a friend that Wash., D.C. had a secret policy as a favor to big bankers in America. If some fund was paying too high, then the big banks would ask Wash., D.C. to use its muscle boys such as F.B.I., S.E.C., etc. to set up a legal frame up and propaganda front demonizing the fund paying its supporters too well, quick ruin or imprison the targeted fund head doing too well in returns and then seize the funds and government pocket the money as it would not be returned to the people who had backed the fund. I have a list of well-paying funds that were railroaded by law and their rights were definitely not respected by federal law in how the feds acted against them. When the Omni Law is passed, this list will be investigated and if the charges raised by Wash., D.C. were fraudulent and I know at least some of the cases were as fraudulent as legal sources could invent, the guilty in government will be put on trial for high treason and genocide conspiracy against the American people. As many of these funds had strong backing abroad, the guilty parties can then be turned over to foreign legal sources for stealing the money of citizens of their nations. Also, shortly after the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers, I had a couple of foreign sources report that Wash., D.C. contacted governments in Europe to shut down certain European funds that had been paying high returns for years. but were now suspect by Wash., D.C. as being money funds run by "terrorists." When one European government protested that one of the funds on this Washington hit list had been paying high returns for 20 years and was as legitimate as could be, Wash., D.C. replied to either close down that European fund or else the government refusing to close down this legitimate fund would be listed as as a "terrorist" government itself even though just a decent normal government centuries old in Europe.
     Wash., D.C. is run by gangsters today and reporting on their criminal acts of the federal gangsters working for the ABC agencies of Wash., D.C. is a good first step, Wash., D.C. has colossal contempt for the American people who they think are so stupid and moron level that nothing on earth can ever get the American citizens to stand up and stop the corruption and criminal acts of Wash., D.C. The American people are too soft to maintain their legal rights in America at this time. This has to stop. When the Omni Law is passed, I intend to see that guilty parties are arrested in Wash., D.C., put on trial, and if found guilty, even though soft Americans want not to punish those who rob them blind from government and have all these plans how to take away all legal rights of Americans and have incredible but real plans how to kill off even most Americans in America, I intend to push for the actual execution of at least some of these found guilty of high treason and genocide conspiracy by jury trial. If people in government can actually be executed when they plot a military takeover of America intended to kill off millions of Americans and other vile criminal acts like this, suddenly this class of total traitors now working in and running too many federal circles in government are going to get scared and stop pulling off all these criminal acts against the American people.
      Technically I legally agree that the U.S. Republic is totally illegal as a government at this point as it has overthrown the key legal requirements which give it valid authority as a government. However, we must sometimes work within the framework of the reality in the nation. Use a constitutional amendment called in short form as "The Omni Law" to be ratified by official ratification under the process dictated by the U.S. Constitution. Once ratified into law as a constitutional amendment, under authority of "The Omni Law,"
the 10 American civil tribunes created by this national law can unscramble the eggs in Wash., D.C., get constitutional government restored to power, and we return to a national government governed by the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights which it is not governed by at this time. It gives lip service to it, but laughs behind the scenes at the American people who fall so easily for the lies and cons of key leaders in Wash., D.C. This process of ratifying the proposed "Omni Law" is designed to be without need of violence, armed conflict, but as Thomas Jefferson once commented, "The vote is a peaceful revolution every 4 years." By political pressure skillfully applied, we can corner traitor politicians and get the "Omni Law" even passed in 2013 or else with the public taking their time before making the stand that wins America, maybe we have to build until we win in 2014. The "Omni Law" is that proposed constitutional amendment listed on my national website of  If needed, my email address is . We are growing as a national movement, and finances and volunteer workers can speed up things now. We know how to win. Once our finances are strong enough and we have enough volunteer workers, really probably nothing can stop us from winning then! We know how to win. It is just to carry out the plan we already have for victory. I lived in Wash., D.C. for years long ago and I know how the Washington game is played!
     I am getting word back that there is near nervous breakdown in some Washington circles. They sense we can win and they are scared to death we will end up winning with the Omni Law. As the old saying goes, once it is passed, the rest will be history!
     Once the Omni Law is passed, we will by national referendum restore full legal rights to those issuing stock and bond offers in America. Under terms of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights, they are totally legal guaranteed the legal right by federal and state applied law to issue stock and bond offers without legal interference from either federal or state government. That is the way James Madison, "Father of the U.S. Constitution" wrote up the U.S. Constitution as he explained it in "The Federalist Papers." And in his support of passage of the U.S. Bill of Rights which again outlaws federal or state government from interfering with stock or bond offers in America, this is affirmed a second time that it is illegal under national law for either federal or state law to forbid, regulate, license, or require registration for such financial offers in America. If terms of such financial contract are later violated, through common law court, it can be legally challenged as to the terms of the offer were not kept or fraud was involved, but the legal decision of law as to legal status of the offer of either stock or bond will be made by jury trial and not by any legal agency whether federal or state. The reason why you do not see stock offers or bond offers by private inventors is that the federal government by legal double-talk have outlawed inventors from issuing stock or bond offers in America to set up new industry in America. Thomas Edison gave America many of its top national industries with his inventions as the basis for them including the movie industry, recording industry, electrical utilities, etc. If he were alive today under federal or state law, he would either be in federal prison or else state prison for trying to set up these industries in America he did with his inventions. The inventors under this colossally asinine fake legislation as the American Declaration of Independence labelled this type law back in 1776 have been made the most criminal element in America and far worse than murderers, etc. I analyze we might well have over 500% more industry in America today if the federal government and state governments had legally obeyed the legal terms of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights. I dealt with inventors all over America and I know the true story censored from you by our corrupt news media of America working for the power elite instead of the American people.
     Once the Omni Law is passed, we will see legitimate funds probably which can even pay 50% a year return, 100% a year return, maybe 200% return a year, maybe even 500% return annually, and be legitimate offers. The people have been trained by Wash., D.C. that they can not get much better returns annually on their money than maybe 1% a year, 2% a year, maybe 5% a year, or a little more if you somehow luck out with some special deal. 
      The Social Security Program of America is run as a Ponzi scheme and often its money is diverted to other fields than retirement or related fields and just a disguised way to raise more tax money for the politicians in office. A simple trick tactic could turn the Social Security Program into an angle to help build up the economy and potentially pay the American people twice as much or more retirement funds as they receive now for their money originally put into the Social Security Program. The professionals in the insurance field have an outstanding record for being smart and sound how they invest funds from life insurance policies held by their companies. Their later funds through good times and bad keep growing. When holding a high position in the insurance industry, I was very impressed with the rates of returns the insurance companies were able to make and still be sound how they handled their investment money put into the American economy. Let these insurance professionals take our Social Security money, put it in sound investments yet still will pay good returns for the money put into these sound investments, and maybe by age 65 we have great returns of monthly income for those wanting to retire at age 65 or a little later. Also, this money they had put into the Social Security fund would all be their money and not spent off by politicians in Wash., D.C. instead. End of federal Ponzi scheme of Wash., D.C. Beginning of much better retirement income for Americans now retiring and their money in the years before retirement helping to aggressively build up the American economy and more jobs in the process.
      And I have a new form of investment to seriously push in America. Have investment funds and plans designed to pay pro-rata percentages of royalty off of profits off of smart inventions and other type business offers and this has the potential if you harness your horse to the right cart to haul to you each year large returns much larger than stock dividends or interest on savings account with banks or savings and loans. However, this won't hurt the savings and loans or banks because the people will still have to deposit their much larger money in some basically safe source as they can't keep all this money hidden under their bed mattress! 
      To get the ball rolling on this new approach to get royalty off of money instead of interest, I have two loan programs to show you the way. Once the Omni Law is passed, we have our $100 million loan program already offered by previous reports. For each $25 credit in our loan program to pass the Omni Law and establish this world food industry in America based upon the Vatican endorsed food process my father invented many years ago, you get 10% royalty on net profits before taxes of national and world profits made of this food industry once it starts selling this super health food all over America and all over the world. I am going to force by legal means Wash., D.C. to pay me $100 billion for the financial damage when the U.S. Justice Dept. blocked a very legitimate deal which first level could have paid me even $27 billion in potential profits. Wash., D.C. did not want my father's Vatican endorsed food discovery established in America to give America a powerful world industry that would ultimately make America a much richer nation. When Wash., D.C. pays me the $100 billion in actual and punitive damages and to their dismay they will find the circumstances controlled by law they can't control or stop in the process, I will share $5 billion of this and split pro-rata with those in the $100 million loan program on my national website. And you all spend this $5 billion split between you anyway you want to and before the world food industry starts selling in the national and world market. The obvious way to get a quick settlement on the $100 billion in damages is put the settlement up for a national referendum vote by authority of the newly passed Omni Law. As America will get a giant world food industry out of this settlement, it will pass I predict with a giant majority of the national vote. 
      Also, to help get the American economy moving fast once the Omni Law is passed, I want a little of the $100 million fund used to check out the following answers to potentially quick solve the energy and oil crisis of America. I spent $30,000 years ago and had others from military intelligence backgrounds help me to track down the John Andrews Process. The U.S. Navy tested it years ago and it worked, but they did not know how it worked. You put a little black powder into water and used it as a substitute fuel for running engines such as marine diesel engines would run great on this as confirmed by the tests of U.S. Navy engineers. If the final piece of the John Andrew Process is located where it was reported to us years ago, we have a process to use the coal of America and Canada to produce a cheap substitute gasoline for us and the rest of the world. I have a secret piece of technology to back up this angle. If we can use hydrogen peroxide or else liquid or else gaseous hydrogen and oxygen as effective fuels for cars and trucks, we have a huge worldwide market for America by using this process as a world industry set up in America. And I have a third angle to run cars on but not revealing here. If any of these angles is right for setting up a worldwide industry with for America, I will assign a 30 year royalty on profits of 2 % to be assigned to those involved in our $100 million loan program and divided between you pro-rata based upon your number of $25 unit credits in this loan program. This is the loan program represented by the $25 NIFI Certificates on our website of . To illustrate how this would work. Because John of Nesara News so strongly impressed me by wanting to put out the truth for the American people, he didn't know this until after it was done, I assigned a $1 million credit in the loan program for when the Omni Law is passed. He gets $50 million or more if the fund becomes large but does not reach the $100 million mark and then we get the $100 billion settlement secured through passage of the Omni Law. That would be his pro-rata share of it by our terms. He gets $1 million in cash as soon as the Vatican endorsed food process gets established as a food industry in America and produces money by sales or even before by special deals. And then he gets his pro-rata share of royalties on profits before taxes for 30 years once sales start from this worldwide food industry but set up in America. And we must not forget that 2% on net profits from one, two, or three answers to the energy and oil crisis for our national and worldwide market for 30 years from when sales start. Money rolls in from everywhere for those in our $100 million loan program while you can still join. We get some wealthy people to join, they might want to pick up whatever balance of the $100 million loan can still be placed before the offer is closed to anyone else. Also, we will give first option on the dealerships, etc. with the food industry and first options on the dealerships, etc. for any of the answers for  the energy and oil crisis we might be able to place on the market. I reserve the right to slip in one additional answer if I like the final version better than the others we will have at our disposal. Because the Omni Law will be the national law of America then, we will be able to do these industries right and not be ruined by policies of idiots or corrupt in Wash., D.C. who try to turn national victories into defeat by screwing up whatever they are allowed to grab ahold of. Business brains, not politicians, will run the industries we set up in America and for America. 
      Once the people catch on to the leverage potentially  possible with loans or investments paid back with principal paid back plus a pro-rata share of profits paid through royalties, I predict this new version of a financial contract will become very popular in America and even people all over the world wanting to get in on the action when offers like this arise in America.
      I have also started contacting some big money sources. By whatever ethical means possible, I want to get the show on the road as soon as possible and no nonsense. Between the average Americans and one or a few very rich Americans, we are liable to get all this moving pretty fast. Leave it up to Wash., D.C., it could take a billion years to get the show on the road. But done privately, we will see if we can pull all this off by the end of 2013 or else 2014, Once the Omni Law is passed, the rest will happen very fast! So get in while you can! Once we raise our $100 million loan money, this offer is no longer available to anyone else. We should be able to raise it!
     The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.behind the scenes buy off American politics because they know that politics runs on money, not wishful thinking! I don't need what they do, but my smart, practical tactics also cost something to carry out! Senator Robert Taft was a good friend of my industrialist father and Senator Taft once secretly told my father how the Rockefellers bought off the Republican Convention in Chicago so Senator Taft did not get the nomination even though a majority of delegates were originally going to vote for Senator Taft. The argument against Senator Taft was "He is too honest!" The power elite as reported on in reports posted on Nesara News are coming up with all these schemes how to bankrupt the American people if they can. I was trained by six of the top economists of America and Europe including a German economist who was personally endorsed by Albert Einstein as teaching the only true economic science in the 20th Century. If the power elite try their tactics to bankrupt America, American people have very short memories but quick make me effectively the economic czar of America and I know the economic tactics that will save the American economy and then get the economy moving the best it has ever done in American history. I do not believe in magic wands as Obama does in economic policy. It is even reported that Obama wants 73% of all Americans thrown on welfare as part of his economic plan for the American people. But as for me, I believe in sound economic science as based upon proven economic tactics used in human history before to show us the answers that will save the American economy and then boom the American economy. 

      "The secret to success is dare to act on a good plan and carry it out!" - Erasmus of America.  Even Jesus Christ in his parable in Matthew 25:13-30 about wise and unwise servants praised the two servants who doubled their lord's money and called unworthy the servant who buried his lord's money in the ground and made no profit with it.  

     Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the one American leader for the Christians and Conservatives not afraid to win! When you commit to win, then you have a real chance of winning. Victory is won by those committed to win, not those committed to flee from the enemy if they make a mean face at you!) 

P.S. I have probably posted over 150 national reports on Nesara News since April, 2012. Look them up under Erasmus of America in their search box left side of front page of their website. I have tackled many of the toughest, most controversial questions and issues in America today. Nesara has built up to over 25 million views now and is emerging as a very influential blog now. Read their reports for much truth censored from the regular press of America today. 

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