Saturday, April 13, 2013

ARK OF THE COVENANT FOUND - Government Cover up

CGI's Lulu: ARK OF THE COVENANT FOUND - Government Cover up
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 13-Apr-2013 01:52:55
of what may be history's greatest archaeological find
Only 18 inches' clearance. That's all he had. American amateur archaeologist Ron Wyatt lay on his stomach, inching forward with nothing but the flashlight in his hand.
With the Arab boy's reaction throbbing in his head, Ron purposely looked at his watch. It was 2.00 pm, Wednesday, January 6, 1982.
Under the rocks
The beam of light shone forward over the massive pile of rocks. Something shiny under a gap in the rocks caught his eye.
He began to move the rocks one at a time. It was slow, tedious work. And just under the rocks were planks of dry-rotted wood. And beneath them some dry-rotted remains of animal skins. When he touched them, the skins turned to powder.
The animal skins were laid over a gold-veneered table with a raised molding around its side. The molding comprised an alternating pattern of bells and pomegranates.
His heart raced. In a moment, the truth flashed into his brain. This was one of the lost items of furniture from Solomon's Temple!
The space was so cramped here, he could not uncover the whole table. But for a long time he examined it closely. Ultimately Ron Wyatt concluded that this was the legendary Table of Shewbread described in the biblicalscroll of Leviticus... and fashioned in 1446 BC.
There were several other objects in the chamber, as well.
With adrenalin racing through his veins and with mounting anticipation, Ron scanned the chamber to see what else he could see, which wasn't much.
He shone his torch around over the stones and then up to the ceiling. Ahead, something caught his interest. It was a crack in the ceiling, on which a black substance was deposited.
A stone case
Slowly and painfully, he crawled over the rocks to the other end of the chamber.
There he saw a stone case extending through the rocks. It was a thin-walled case, similar to those used in ancient times tostore objects.
It had a flat top. This stone lid was within four to five inches of the ceiling. And it was cracked completely in two. The smaller section of the cover was moved aside, creating an opening into the stone case.
He could not look inside because the top was too close to the ceiling. Yet he knew what was inside. The cracked part of the lid where it was open, was directly below the crack in the ceiling. And the black substance had fallen from the crack into the case. He knew this, because some of it had splashed onto the lid.
Three of those involved in that dig under the streets of Jerusalem have also been with me on other expeditions. My own expeditions in Israel were vindication expeditions.
One of the men involved, Bob Murrell, has helped on the Ark of the Covenant dig three times. Although Bob and Ron have not always agreed on methodology, still there is one thing about this project that Bob would not dispute. He has seen enough evidence to be certain that the Ark of the Covenant is down there
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Anonymous said... also claims to know where the real Ark is.Ron Wyatt claimed to discover many things. He never recovered anything. Not a single stone has ever been found of the 1st Temple. Guess why?

Anonymous said...

Oh yes he did! He donated an ivory pomegranate (attributed to Solomon's Temple) to the British museum. There is more evidence that this is true. Research for yourselves and pray for discernment.
This is for real, brothers and sisters!!!

The truth that Yeshua's divine blood is on the Mercy Seat will be revealed, as a LAST "Altar Call".

Anonymous said...

To them that believed, he gave them power to become children of God. People will not believe the Truth. But will believe every lie told them. But at the end of the day, if we choose to believe it or not, There is a GOD. JESUS WALKED THIS EARTH. HE WAS CRUCIFIED. HE RESUURECTED FROM THE DEATH. HE WAS TAKEN UP TO HEAVEN. AND HE WILL DEFINATELY COME BACK ONEDAY. Ones disbelief does Not change the Fact that Jesus is the Son of God. And we have a choice!! You can either believe it! Accept him as your Lord and Saviour or Not!! Either way Jesus is still Lord and no one comes to the Father, except through him.