Friday, March 8, 2013



Regarding OPPT, I realize it is not necessary but......I want the Republic restored, how about YOU?.  With the corporations foreclosed..the Republic is sitting there ready to be filled and the military needs to get the usurpers out of the white house.  This is something that everyone in our country can understand simply and would pull our nation together quickly.

  The only thing that bothers me about OPPT is that they have the responsibility to communicate this to the WHOLE world, and need to, to an extent, but every country has their own history and origin.  We have our own Republic that was established under God already--with nothing between us and our Creator until the usurpers came along with the CORPORATE "GOVERNMENT". 
   We all have our own roots as countries and are all different. America was always known as "the land of the free and home of the brave"..We were looked up to as a nation at one time...We had God's blessing on our nation...We have allowed it to become an evil place, without morality, taken God/Creator out of schools(now targets used for terror) and on and on...we can be a great nation again, under God/our Creator.
America would be the simplest to set up with our Republic already in place to be filled and as a security, possibly those that filled those positions could sign a CVAC that demands their full responsibility and liability to do no harm.  The Republic and the CVAC could go hand in hand in harmony together. It is only a suggestion.

I believe that there are hundreds of groups, amounting to millions of people that have been working towards or wanting the Republic to be restored and would get involved if they believed that this was an option..IT IS AN OPTION..that is what is so beautiful about this.  
Patriots need to stand down with their own agenda's for a moment and get out of the box they have put themselves is a whole new perspective..get out and look at where you have been...and turn around..a whole new paradigm has been created..drop your egos and all the knowledge that you have accumulated in fighting your battles with this system and get out of your foxholes that you have dug for yourselves.
 Remove the limited parameters of your thinking that have been actually fostered by the system itself..All those rules don't apply anymore unless you want them you want to continue as a slave and stay in your foxhole fighting a battle that has already been won? Have you been reduced in your mindset now to just criticize and formulate arguments based on the lies of the old system, to use against the very people and process that have been used to set the people free?
 What does it take for you to see the light and that your very behavior and thinking is a reflection of the tools used by the old system itself?  WAKE UP! Mel talks about  OPPT later in the transcript and mentions the gurus that are using old paradigms from the system mindset to come against the UCC filings..It is humorous.

The OPPT UCC filings were unrebuttable by the cabal and their best lawyers so why in the heckdo these "patriots"  want to waste time arguingabout them and figuring out how to rebut them???? It has to be all ego and conditioning from the old system that no longer exists. 


OPPT did away with the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES and the rest of the corps which unveils the Republic...
there is nothing to stand in our way to fill these positions if the military will recognize what has been done, pull together and go for it. They have been set free to do this.  All the patriotic groups out their with their own designs and egos..need to come together based on this one reality and work from there toward a common goal--the restoration and filling of the positions in the Republic!
READ THIS EXCERPT FROM  regarding the military and the Provost Marshall
One other important note:  In a manner similar to the Nation State Project, the One People’s Public Trust now gives the full, legal and lawful authority for the U.S. military (and the oath-keeping military of other nations, who have come to collectively be known as White Knights and White Hats), federal marshals (including the Provost Marshal) and law enforcement officials to arrest those conspirators who have been behind this scheme at the very highest levels.  The Provost Marshal is of particular importance in such a situation, because he is the only individual under the restored U.S. Constitutional Republic who has the legal and lawful standing to arrest the U.S. President (as of winter 2013, the currently serving Provost Marshal is Major General David E. Quantock).

Americans need to start bringing this aspect out on the blogs and websites if you agree, as I am only one voice trying to be heard..I don't wish for all the countries to be the same, like repackaged socialism.
If anyone agrees with me..please make your voice known on available sites.or calls, e-mails etc...there are lots of them for the united States
blessings to all.


Anonymous said...

Are you a US Citizen (Citizen of the United States)?
Don't do anything that will violate your contract with the corporation unless you want a unique experience and the rest of them looking on at you.

The patriots of old were not enjoined with their enemy by contract nor oath.

Someone piecing together history to figure out who will 'do what Simon says'.

A legal Definition of Citizen -

"Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights.

Citizenship. The status of being a citizen.

Noticed it said submitted themselves to the dominion of a government. Republic government, Democratic government, Corporate Citizen that is a government, it didn't distinguish.

If you got contracts out there saying of your free will, that you are a citizen, you can't expect someone to 'give you a break' if you are subject to some dominion and you usurp the control.

Then and now are not the same.

They said don't tread on me and they were not citizens of the entity that tried to control them. They were independent. They were fighting to keep what they had established.

Those that signed that document gave notice they were free and independent.

What document does the corporate government have from you? what is your status on that document? License, passport, employment, court?

Be true.
Be real.
Know what it is you do to create what happens to you.

Anonymous said...

John. Is this OPPT for real? Did it really foreclose on the Corporate government? I have heard some say it is for real and it will work (IF SO WHY HASN'T THE MILITARY STEPPED UP AND SPECICIALLY THE PROVOST MARSHAL; and I have read Teri Hinkle's opinion and she said that it does not work and it will lead to Agenda 21 and a one world government.

You have intel and what are they saying about the OPPT? Please post.

Anonymous said...

I check who your backing first, lots about OPPT DONT ADD UP!

Anonymous said...

Energy goes where attention goes. So use your energy wisely. The powers that were are energy vampires. They'll suck you dry if you give them the chance. Cut the energy at the source. Turn your attention away from the dying powers that were and to the future that needs to be built.

Anonymous said...

Read the filings at Rebut them if you can. Maybe you'll have better luck than high-powered lawyers.

Anonymous said...


I know LOTS of people are scared/freaked out/at the end of their proverbial ropes/Etc. I have followed this OPPT thing since last summer(end of July)I have spoken directly with Heather. What ZEN Gardener had to say today holds NO water. I used to work as a consultant to the largest (and most infamous, by FAR)investment bank. I worked there during Bill Clinton's presidency when Glass-Stegal was dropped (largely at the behest of This institution). The fact is that the OPPT "Trust" was established and is(just send Heather an email)READY Themselves to be disbanded. Ask yourself,A)how much would a group of people that hopes to be soon disbanded(after CVAC's address OUR personal needs)wish to enact another "system of control"? THEY Wouldn't. Imagine what a new system Headache that would present & at that point no military to really back them up,get Over that! B)Since everyone's personal needs(except for the cabal members which will receive a paltry sum)will be fulfilled with 10 Billion why and more importantly HOW? can we be more controlled compared to TODAY? ie. 35K in credit card debt the bank(who NEVER had assets behind it)wants to collect from you right now, but never did anything to give you that "funny money" except hit a "keystroke" on their personally owned & operated (by 13 EVIL Families)Federal Reserve Bank(whichever "member" bank,CITI,Chase etc.all owned by Rothschild anyway)and "voila" you miraculously had a 35K limit? That you then immediately ran up! These (13)Black Nobility/Venetian/Illuminati/Jesuit/Vatican/ Bankster Families "Own" & Run this planet! Are YA Free right NOW? OF Course NOT! Not in ANY Way. So why would you(Unless you're Reptilian/Bankster Family cabal)want to continue(when they've MASTERFULLY Drained The System of CASH RIGHT NOW)scream for more help from them??? Please Master bring us another BUCKET of Gasoline to help us Douse the flames? ARE WE NUTS? No we're not Stupid Either. We're Just Still in Their Wholly-Owned TRANCE!!! WAKE UP WAKE UP OPPT does not want to control Crap! Make the three trustees sign an affidavit (if you're still paranoid) saying they'll relinquish & extinguish the "trust at 180 days after the CVACS have been fully funded & everyone has their 10 Billion. No One is Going to want them to sign that after the CVACS are putting out our collective fires with REAL Water! If you believe anything believe this. The Illuminati/Reptilians are continuing every second WE ALLOW them to dig out bases/hideouts/tunnels/supply routes UNDER our beloved United States. If we don't stand behind OPPT collectively (Drake's saying the frigin Annunaki are our parent species,WRONG)we will find out who has been standing BEHIND Rothschild for Centuries and our 2nd Amendment is THE ONLY reason we're a Standing Threat to them NOW! WAKE UP WAKE UP, Both Blue & Red ARE Filthy Dirty!!! Rothschild said himself in 1812 "Divide the sheep & they're EASILY conquered" I'M TIRED OF BEING an EASY MARK FOR REPTILES! Brothers this Missouri boy says.......are ya with me? The Military doesn't want this fight either they (believe me) would be HAPPY to "Escape from all the trouble they themselves have caused"(largely at the higher/defense contractor/supplier level) Let's DO THIS.....CVACS NOW, PROVOST MARSHALL NOW. No one wants the CIA "Light" version/Wanta Protocol Version. If that 1.7 trillion, but you're still "managed" fresh coat of paint comes to pass we'll all SMELL the stink quickly anyway. This is why "It" hasn't happened & Drake is audibly angry and is a good guy just been lied to for 2 yrs. It's obvious-Anon

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OPPT promoters don't understand Trusts. They can't just steal all of the property and convey it to themselves. That is not how Trusts work.

I have three properties that had no mortgage. I won't bother rebutting their claim on my property because it has no merit. Let's see how the "new titles" they claim we are all going to get look.

UCC doesn't trump either county, state or federal courts. Even foreclosures aren't uniform. They vary between states and even counties. UCC is NOT the supreme law of the planet. Heather has spent too much time in international law and not enough time in county courts.

Has it occurred to anyone that Heather could be wrong about lots of things? Does anyone even know her personally? What is the longest personal relationship any of the OPPT promoters have had with Heather?

Anonymous said...


No One "stole" anything brother. I also have a beautiful couple of acres with a deed & title & no mortgage on them. The OPPT simply (and non-threateningly)returned ALL "Private Property"(Which because QE2 & The Vatican literally before 12/25 Owned ALL Property on EARTH)to "The Creator" No One will "Own" Just like No one did on 12/24(Unless you're QE2 or the Pope). The "Ownership" titles & deeds are going to be re-issued as Custodian/Owner with our names on them the actual Owner will continue being "The Creator" whether you name him Christ/Yahweh/Allah/Zoroaster/Buddah/Brahma, etc. When you die the deed returns to the Creator with the conservator/brother/sister/son/daughter YOU designate as the new conservator/owner. This is meant to prevent financial dynasties from applying leverage against other humans so as to disadvantage them. All State,Local & Federal Courts are registered & were also duly foreclosed on 12/25 also. THEY were registered under UCC,so, they're Out of Business NOW. I've spoken with this mother of 4 several times and NO agenda exists. Thank Whichever God you like, PEACE-Anon

mustang said...

Corporations closed down? Tell that to the IRS. I just watched them tow my car away after they cleaned out my bank account and they still demand more. Where are the 'good guys'? In reality these thieves are still doing their nasty deeds regardless of all the happy horseshit we keep hearing. They come in in their nice suits, badges and guns. Nice Crown Vic's too. Different costume than the thug in the alley with a 9mm but the bottom line is the same. They steal it all and let you hang out to dry. Only problem with IRS is it is suicide to kill one. You may get 20 years for killing the street thug but IRS agent is a registered and certified thief so he is good to go. Reality my friends, I just saw this happen to me this week. The IRS still exists and still does its nasty shit. This is FACT.

Anonymous said...


WAKE UP & REALIZE Please WHY They'd Distribute 10 Billion to 7 Billion People?????
(minus the 1 million guilty Illuminati/Reptilian Bankster Families that'll be getting 100K or whatever keeps 'em off welfare)

The desire is to Make PAPER(or money as WE see it) worth NOTHING Because it already IS!!!

But Right Now (13) Families Control ALL That (We'll,technically not since 12/25)

So, If you've got a job you love in the "Old system" keep it up as long as it feels good!
(Someone just gave you 10 Billion to show up if you want to look at it that way)
(Same printing press that a few weeks ago paid you 40K a year & TAXED YOU)
If you didn't like it stop going and figure out a new occupation that makes you happy
Our Grocery Stores are LITERALLY ALL Run on Scanner now anyway, right? They'll just get More that way
Re-Stocking/Trucking is a new paradigm job that'll be hiring for sure
feel good jobs are things like new energy & Ridding our Mother Soil of Monsanto Poison!!
Banks are the new Utilities actually just processing transactions (Like IN THE OLD Less Corrupt Days)
remember those?
Take your first vacation in years! If you're super left brained start a new travel/tours Company

Anonymous said...

Who created rules for the trusts..think about it, out of the box.
Nobody is stealing anything. the corporation already pledged us and all we own as collateral..would you rather stay with that? If you stopped paying your property taxes under the old system you would find out really fast who owns/controls your property--you don't own it now no matter what paper you have and the "PTWere could come along and decide they need it for something and oust has been done to people.
The Trustees TOOK BACK FOR THE PEOPLE WHAT THE CABAL HAS STOLEN FROM US ALL ALONG-it was never theirs--can you not comprehend this?????
I am not going to explain all of this to you..go to the website at the top of this post and educate yourself. Heather was an attorney that specialized in the UCC, at the highest levels...I assure you she is quite qualified..but then, if you actually expended some effort educating yourself on the subject you might know that..What does her personality have to do with anything? She has given highly of herself to accomplish this for all.
02/25/2013 Santos deals with the subject of Reclaiming Dominion. Breaking the fictions of Law, Religion and Science. This weeks special guests were Rena Iliades and Ann Bressington.

- Victorian Melton Council Corruption
- Oppt Discussion

Ann Bressington (Australian politician) says she has put the OPPT stuff past a retired corporate lawyer in Australia and he confirms the OPPT UCC FILINGS have legs, the question is whether the people will enforce it! (Courtesy
Notices and invoices people! NOW).

Also she says in the courts there are two sets of rules going on: the judicial run on UCC and lawyers run on statutes – hence why the people do not find remedy.

Click on the link below to listen to the archived show:

Anonymous said...

Well, who are you, a Muslim? Of course,they don't want to divide, they just want to TAKE OVER. Though I must say Obama was very good at dividing, but I digress. And forgive me, you may not even be a muslim..They happen to be trying to take over France right now like they did it is on my mind.No harm intended, but your comment did not sit right with me.
Obviously not native born in the united States because you speak broken English, so of course you feel that way.
OPPT has been done for the world but each country's people have a right to pull together and make that country what they want it to be if they choose. It is called freedom of choice...we used to have it here in America..but see you, I am sure, don't know about our history, you just know what the treasonous administration has done to our country and others without our permission. No, it is not just about America but she is my country and I do want the Republic back, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, right- that's why your county court is registered as a corporation on D&B and/or the SEC.
Three things people fear more than death-change, change and not being able to blame someone else.

Anonymous said...

No one goes to prison or gets their car towed away by the IRS unless they give their consent. The organic law called the Declaration of Independence says you must give your consent. 99.9% of the people give their consent without even comprehending how and why they gave consent.

The IRS did not tow any car away. Some BEing or BEings, for whom you have their identities, towed it away. Since you did not give your consent, you know their names and addresses and can send them courtesy notices along with your fee schedule.

If you registered "your" car with the State of XYZ Corporation, you made a contract with them that they are the owners of "your car". You did this voluntary with consent. The same with your driving license.

When you signed your bank signature card did you sign above your name:
all liberties reserved
checks redeemed in lawful money only ?????????
If not, you gave your consent by remaining silent.

One might be able to argue that it is impossible to contract away unalienable rights given by the Creator.

The best time to get rid of problems is before any court date, one good letter to a "judge" and the "judge" will drop the case like a hot potato. But you had better be well self-studied and -educated before writing a letter.

Sorry for the bad news.

Anonymous said...

The reason that there was no rebuttal on OPPT filings was because the banksters just laughed at the ridiculous notion. It is the same as if you personally called the Rothchilds and demanded that you were replacing them as world banksters. At best, they would tall you to take a hike. What could you do? Nothing, same as the OPPT. It is nothing but mouth and that is why everyone is still working as a slave.

Anonymous said...

This movement is very similar to the Republic. Those of us that did all the paper work and filed it properly accomplished nothing but loss and pain. We did our research and followed the U.C.C. to the letter crossed our T's and doted our I's. True we had poor leadership but that evolved over time. People, large numbers of people is what it takes to make any of these good movements work. Knowledgeable people will participate if they have courage.However we live in the home of the slave and the land of the coward. We are up against idiots that will do anything for a pay check, egomaniacs and psychopaths with badges. There in lies the problem, we must deal with these traitors one on one, face to face. If we can do this the evil coming from (they or them) will stop. In My humble opinion the big gun theory prevails (he who has the biggest gun wins) We have eighty million gun owners in this country and every one of us is waiting for some one else to inforce the second Amendment. These criminals in office will respond to nothing but force. YOU CAN DO ALL THE PAPER WORK YOU LIKE the bottom line is they have to be physically removed period.

mustang said...

No tyrant in power will ever voluntarily give it up. Power corrupts and total power corrupts totally. Same as it ever was. They control the entire political process, they control everything, mafia operation. There is only ONE way. FORCE. Same as it ever was and same as it will ever be. No FORCE no change. As simple as that. There are NO other options. Oh, slavery or death.

Anonymous said...

The only ‘one’ with the authority to challenge (rebut) either the Pope’s Trust or the OPPT Trust would be ‘the conveyer’. How convenient. So while Heather & co may understand UCC, they do not understand or acknowledge the basics of Trusts. So, unless either Trustee can prove that the Creator actually contacted them and conveyed the planet to them, both Trusts are pure fraud.

Here is an excellent short explanation of this relatively simple truth:

Anonymous said...

You misunderstand what they did...go read the docs and listen to or read the transcripts of the calls..someone-Creator created us to live on this planet..the PTwere created the coporations and through them have been stealing from us all the energy we have created.
they have stolen our money, property and on and on and made us slaves. what the Trustees did was take us back to the beginning where it is just us on the planet, nothing between us and our Creator with no one to rule over us but we ourselves over our own actions..They took back, FOR ALL THE PEOPLE, all that they stole from us.. Once the people wake up to the fact...the trust is to be extinguished...they are holding all the assets for the people until the people wake up and take action, they actually bring this up in a transcript I just read at
It comes up regarding trusts near the end when they are taking callers questions if you would like to read it...what they did was legitimate and on OUR behalf.

Anonymous said...

Further study can be done with

Be sure to do due diligence and ask a lot of questions before deciding whether OPPT has done something directly of use or will change anything.
The best thing about OPPT is that it has caused a stir and woken up a lot of people. My advise is study, study, study, and look before you leap.

carlee333 said...

then why the f&%k are you on here if you are just going to say crap like that? you can't laugh away the UCC filings.

johan said...

Well said

johan said...

Well said

Anonymous said...

True if YOU Personally Anon7:57 Called Rothschild's In Either Southern France or NJ or London or Monte Carlo they Would (You're Right)tell ya to "take a hike." However,
I'm Afraid this is a more Serious Circumstance for them. This is:

6Billion 999.9 Million getting closer each painful second to

"telling THEM to take a hike" (torches & pitchforks style)

too serious a matter for even the world's greatest military & even with the world's

combined military's totaled a problem of NOT Being ABLE to "Solve for X"

2 million world armed men? Heavily militarized police force aid?

murdering in a firefight several hundred million US Gun Owners?

(including recent panic increase buying)long,bloody and Most Untenable Idea

math as bad as Their Banksters they decided to climb in bed with

military: there's a LOT Fewer "Lords" than citizens you going to fight yer way happily through, say Texas?
Yeah, good luck with THAT!

you're a bunch of dim bulbs Joint Chiefs
answer:OPPT, Make Friends with "the people" were not so bad once ya get to know us & guess what? YOU'RE one OF US!