Friday, January 11, 2013

Who is Jack Lew who will be replacing Timmy Geitner?

Who is Jack Lew who will be replacing Timmy Geitner?
This pretty much tells us (from Wikipedia)
In June 2006, Lew was named chief operating officer of Citigroup’s Alternative Investments unit, a proprietary trading group.
The unit he oversaw invested in a hedge fund “that bet on the housing market to collapse.”
He seems VERY qualified to continue the current, ridiculous direction of the Fed.


Anonymous said...


siriusvoid said...

When it comes to the internal workings of government and the 'shadow banking' practices of the US Treasury, Lew is obviously no stranger.
There's no doubt he understands the occult machinations of the ESF (Exchange Stabilization Fund) and most likely knows where ALL the money (and bodies) are buried.
This man is a government soldier.. an economic warrior who, IF DIRECTED TO DO SO, would be capable of identifying and retrieving all the missing, and misappropriated UST funds.
He could, IF it was REQUIRED of him, or if allowed to do so, bring about the advent of transparency to the UST/Fed.
Once empowered to do so, this man could become instrumental as a key agent of reform.
There was a time, perhaps too long ago, that this person was a young, talented, up and coming, idealistic Democrat.
My sincere hope is that the ideals that young man once stood for will now be allowed to flourish...
That the great middle-class of the United States of America will regain it's lost stature in a free world.

Anonymous said...

Your move, Galactics!!!

Anonymous said...

While ordinary folks are dying banksters and the elite are thriving, so much for the galactics and saviours. 2013 is the year to look at the one in the mirror to do what is required. Waiting for others to deal with injustice and corruption is a waste of time. Only the one in the mirror has the potential for what it takes.