Monday, January 14, 2013

Sending This So You Will Be Well Informed

 People sleep peaceably in their beds
at night only because rough men stand
ready to do violence on their behalf.
-- George Orwell

People sleep peaceably in their beds
at night only because rough men stand
ready to do violence on their behalf.
-- George Orwell

Maybe they should have mentioned whether or not there's a gun in the house.
Never fails to amaze me:  People who oppose the 2nd amendment hire ADT to guard their house----with guns.  And when these homeowners call for the police, they never tell them, "We don't believe in guns, so don't bring one."  They also don't say, "Hey, take your time!"  They want a firearm to be delivered, with a trained operator, in two minutes, and after the officer meets force with force, he or she is to take that horrid, disgusting pistol off their property............until the next time they're needed.
And I never see this sign in their window:

Firearm Free Home


Anonymous said...

This is one of the best rebuttals I have ever seen. It's also another demonstration of one more human being with too much money and not enough discernment, common sense or intelligence who delude themselves into believing they are better than anyone else. I hope this goes viral!

I do not own a gun. I also do not want one. However, I do love our constitution and respect the rights of gun owners who, by the way folks, include among the ranks your local law enforcement and military who personally own weapons in their homes. What does that tell you?

The mind is the weapon, not the tool.

Gino said...

I respect you for stricken up for the 2nd amendment even thou you do not have a fire arm. But in the long run when you or a loved one encounters a burglary or some violent crime your gonna wish you did have that firearm to save your family

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to "out" all those politicians who promote gun control just as this "CEO" was. What they seem not to understand (or maybe they do) is that gun control is NOT about common citizen weapon ownership. It IS about control of the citizenry so the government can not be challenged. That is why the "founding fathers" of our nation had the wisdom to establish and declare that citizens have a right to defend their "property" (whatever that may be). Defense is not a barrier, it is having equal or better defense than a potential intruder has as offensive weaponry. No one is challenged when they own a car with a 400hp engine. Why is that? After all, a 40hp engine will get the job done. Very powerful tractors use engines of that size and smaller. Just as our nation's top officials are paid by your and my tax dollars to ride in huge jet aircraft (with more comforts than home), they could take a bus like many other celebraties do when in concert. How many lives might that save, not to mention how much of the environment?
Truely it is NOT about controling who has a gun, it is about controling the people by using guns against them. Ever see a police raid with no guns? Think they would leave them at the "office" even if gun control is instituted??? Go figure.