Thursday, January 10, 2013

Removing the Shackles: From Dark to Light: Change is Here

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Removing the Shackles: From Dark to Light: Change is Here
Posted By: igots2no
Date: Thursday, 10-Jan-2013 15:55:37
Change is something that many people dread. Even if their current situation is miserable, there are many many people who would choose to stay where they are rather than venture outside the intolerable NOW that they live in. That is part of our programming, part of the brainwashing instilled into us to create the fear of change and the fear of the unknown.
...the fear of FREEDOM.
The energy right now is changing- has changed. For some it is a subtle thing that they cannot quite put their finger on, and for some it is a clarion call that they can feel right down to their very core being. This change of energy is flowing in a way that even the most hardened sceptic must admit that they feel it- they may not understand or comprehend it, they may not SEE it with their eyes, or HEAR it with their ears, they may not FEEL it beneath their feet... but on some level they do KNOW it's there.
Right now we are on the very cusp of CHANGE. We are standing on the highest pinnacle of the highest mountain over looking all that surrounds us, and we can see EVERYTHING before us and behind us and to either side. We must look at everything before we can decide which direction we want to travel.
The changes that are about to happen will be extreme. They will not be slight things that you might miss if you blink at the wrong time. They will not be a subtle change from grey to a slightly lighter shade of grey. They will be ALL ENCOMPASSING changes. From dark to light. Black to White, and every contrast of colour and texture in between.
There is that wonderful expression that it's always darkest before the dawn and that is exactly what we are experiencing RIGHT NOW. Going from a brightly lit room into the sun light isn't all that noticeable- heck, if you didn't see the door you walked through to get outside you might not even notice the difference. Not much of a change. Now, if you walk out of a darkened muffled room into the blazing sunshine of a perfect afternoon..... THEN you would notice. You couldn't not notice!!! How much more do you appreciate the glorious sunshine than when it dawns after weeks of rainy grey?
Change. From darkness to dawn. Miserable dark and dismal grey ominous sky to brilliant crystalline blue sky that is radiant in the light of the sun.
Many people know that the biggest change in history is about to happen. Many of us thought we knew what was going to happen. Thought that the steps in the process were well laid out and ready to roll any moment. What we did not understand is that the process must roll out completely.
Complete Change.
NESARA is about to be announced. Peace & Prosperity is at hand. But it is far more than the NESARA that we hoped for. It is far more Peace & Prosperity than we ever dreamed of. Yes, it is time for Humanity to recognize that they are FREE. It is time for the Removing of our Shackles.
They are unlocked- all we have to do is shake them off and walk away.
The announcements haven't been delayed. The new system hasn't been delayed. It was waiting for the RIGHT TIME.
THIS TIME has been long awaited by many who have been working from behind the scenes for exactly THIS MOMENT. Everything that has been put in place has been done so, knowing that the freedom of humanity is not something to be earned, but our absolute Right. OUR INALIENABLE RIGHTS can not be bought or sold, traded or stolen. No Government, No Institution, No Religion, No Person, No Thing can take these things from us. We were turned into Strawmen Corporations because even the POWERS THAT WERE KNEW that we, ourselves as HUMANS cannot be bought or sold, traded or stolen.
When you recognize that ALL the systems that have been set up and created by the Powers That Were are part of the dark and stormy dismal grey prison, then you understand that those systems will not be used under the bright crystalline blue sunlit celestial ceiling.
It is about CHANGE.
It is about TO CHANGE.
You are on the highest summit. You can see everything if you look.
The storm clouds are behind you, so why not step forward into the sunshine?
BE the Change you wish to see in the World.
Are you READY?


Anonymous said...

Lets go!!!!! light it up!!! John M. Can you please give me a thumbs up on this?? Is it coming?

Thank you :)

John MacHaffie said...

Thumbs Up!

Unknown said...

So is it NOW, or is it sometime in the next "two weeks?"

Anonymous said...

GITTY UP LETS GO could not be a better time THANK GOD

Anonymous said...

Are they going to put old man Bush, Jr, the Clinton's, and their cohorts in the shackles they remove from us ? That would still be too good for them.

Anonymous said...

They should not slow down the announcement because it will bother the sensitive little brainwashed egos of some. they need a good slap in the face to snap them out of a lifetime of programming of the dark. It is time for humanity to GROW UP! How else can we make REAL choices until we have REAL choices to pick from. Please give us a SLAP IN THE FACE ANNOUNCEMENT!!!

Anonymous said...

Intel. seems to be hot, hot, hot! Thank you John :)
I am fully ready.

Anonymous said...

Wishful thinking folks! You know damn well nothings going to happen other than Obama being sworn in and gun confiscation started. Next is martial law. You hope-a-phobics really need a reality check! I challenge you to come back to this posting in 2 weeks, one month and one year and see where you're at. It won't be pretty!

siriusvoid said...

The Past is this physical remnant, yet the past does not exist... Not any more...
The Future is subtle/astral.
It is comprised of hopes.. fears.. ANTICIPATION...
That which shall be wished/prayed into manifestation (into the past).
The Future does NOT exist either...
Not in 3D physical time/space...
Even though it will, in fact, coalesce, and influence that which shall become our history... Our past.
This NOW moment is completely beyond illusions of both time and space...
It is CAUSAL and cannot be known via any sort of reference, or 'information'.
It is therefore, literally beyond Mind...
The LIVING 'domain' and PRESENCE of Soul.
This Now is LIVING us PRESENTLY... rather than being lived by us...
PURE CONSCIOUSNESS is completely immersed, and abiding in the NOW, even though the NOW, for all intents and purposes, cannot be entered into by any 'person'... Not by any means whatsoever.
We can't possibly depart from or arrive where we always already ARE.
We human beings therefore currently face an incredible existential quandary.
Do we presently exist in/as LIFE/LOVE, or Not...
Do we in fact exist at all, or not?
The reality we were born into, inherited and shaped, is subject to Change, whether we, as artifacts, consent to this, or not..
In fact, this NOW moment is nothing, if not change.
I have addressed the concepts of hope, and change...
Others speak of the need for revolution..
Yet these 'functions', in and of themselves, are not of any ultimate importance...
Just saying...

Anonymous said...

Be the change you wish to See. That means,,choose love,,,be happy,,,smile,,,forgive yourself,,,like yourself,,,release resentments ,,,fear,,,,this article is very accurate,,,,as I am growing to like myself to greater and greater degrees I am releasing all emotional baggage,,,able to observe from the vibration of I like me,,honor,,,loving kindness,,,,
Therein all things flow when one likes oneself.
Its shakespheres play for your amuzement.
Have fun folks. Dream alittle dream.
Speak and think of the things you wish too see happen. Dont judge ,lament others.
Have fun.
Be in Well Being.


Donna said...

I so agree with you!

Anonymous said...

I am ready also couz!
I'm wide awake!
Dee-light :)

Hobgoblin238 said...

Yeah this Removing the Shackles gal already predicted the RV in August of 2012 to happen in that month. Do not believe me? Search through her blog! It is there.

Anonymous said...

anon 6:41 I hope that you get the reality that you are intending for everyone else. We don't resonate with your reality. You get what you think.