Sunday, October 28, 2012

Open Letter to ALL Channelers regarding messages received from ET's...

Open Letter to ALL Channelers regarding messages received from ET's...

Dear ET's and their spokes persons,
We are challenging ALL of you.....

We have been listening to all the rhetoric regarding your ability to stop tanks, bombs, guns etc. from working. We have listened to your rhetoric regarding mother gaia is in trouble, but you still allow the chemtrail planes to bomb mother gaia every day.?? We watched as a young man is framed as the Colorado shooter, but the mind controlled replacement (for James Holmes) seemed to have had plenty of fire power..

I can tell you for a fact that the chemtrail bombers have not missed a beat (in there daily bombing runs) as our national network chemtrail watch can attest The group I belong to has been witnessing an increase  instead of a decrease. The aho's in the kill earth (gaia)  program (and its inhabitants) have switched to a clearer formula spewed out at higher altitudes.  What you see now is the straight line streaks dissipate within 15-20 minutes to a dingy silver gray smoke look. The beautiful blue sky turns gray blue...

Since arriving in Texas 13 months ago I have had these things happen to me:  Tendons popping behind my knees, swelling in all limbs, sores appearing all over, rashes on my feat that will not go away, extreme itching, hair thinning, and various other things that have never happened to me before. I came from the NW where I did not have fluoride in the water and the rain seemed to take a lot of the chemtrails out of action. What we are experiencing world wide is due to the chemtrails and the haarp machine controlling the rain. The haarp machine is also causing weather problems, earthquakes, tornado's, huricanes, Tsunamis, drought, forest fires, loss of crops and farm animals, and all kind of death and destruction world wide.

These two programs need to be immediately.  ......................................
Turn off these chemtrail plane engines and keep them grounded... Also turn off the haarp....

We are calling you to do so, or keep your mouths shut... NO MORE BS....

People of Earth...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am of the absolute belief that these channlers are CIA or NSA dirt bags that,like this sorry ass physco DRAKE,are doing nothing but keeping any and all resistence from acting.I know for a fact that Drake is lying about channlers being a negative method of communication. True they occupy your physicallity,but only with your permission. He is full of crap.Channeling can be very useful when channeling the true and rightess source. What John posts here I believe is garbage disinformation to achieve my stated opinon for their purpose. Keep in mind that a good piece of disinformation contains a majority of truth. That is why they are so tempting to induce a beleivable result by those who subscribe to channeling or have witnessed it in person.FYI: those of you who are still listening to the fake Drake,must of been bored to tears with the stinking rambling and hopelessness attitude he gave off in the first half of the crap show today.Then he comes alive during Q/A and says things will be fine soon? What a physco SOB! John still posts Salusa's posts after finding them to be Cabal generated?Why John? You are aiding and abetting the enemy when you do this?!Thay are putting out so much fear porn lately and you are posting every piece of garbage they supply? I sometime wonder if the filthy bastards have taken over your site by remote viewing?!

donald wayne said...

Could it be that the channelers are controlled by the same people controlling the Chemtrails and haarp?

Anonymous said...

Us regular people have heard SO MANY claims, predictions, promises, scheduled events, good guy Aliens, etc. None of this is seen by me (either) as having occurred or been visible. All the secrecy crap doesn't help. Human nature (predictably) flows ever more towards increasing skepticism as claims come and go APPARENTLY unfulfilled. This does not mean they have not occurred, but I still see chemtrails also. What gives? Apparently superior aliens seem to us as powerless as we are. The 'bad guy' aliens are claimed to be interfering with Earth, yet the good guys can't, even though we ask them to. What? Even Star Trek had protocols for the Prime Directive allowing assistance under certain conditions. Forgive me, but this whole thing is sounding more and more like a used car commercial. I gotta go and apply for food stamps. TYJM frj

Anonymous said...

John needs to stop all this channelers and Galactics from bringing all this miss information to us. John has been asked numerous times and he has chosen to ignore our pleads. This little green man, Gaia, and Galactics are nothing but a bunch of crap. Do what I do, I skip every single one of them, don't comment on their crap and don't waste any energy on any of it.

Anonymous said...

You have my vote all the way. Don't forget the madness of Fukachima that should also added to the list.
Ok the jokes over, where's the beef?

Unknown said...

GOOD CALL...let's all keep calm and focused, however DEMAND action and assistance, if they are real, and i believe they are, they will assist us..and should, a higher being will understand our situation of fear based control (even more than we do) and the fact that even under such duress and blatant mind-control for millennia, we are STILL waking up and demanding change..

Let's also BE THE CHANGE we want to see in the world, stop sitting on our asses and pointing fingers at each other, lets unite for the ONE TRUE CAUSE...FREEDOM

It's time we accept responsibility for the "idiots" in matter what, we LET THEM do this to us and the its up to US to stop them..take action, anything we can do to unite, TRUTH is what they FEAR...expose the lies, wake up your neighbours, friends and families..put pressure on main-stream media to report whats really going on, every single voice will merge into an uncontrollable TSUNAMI of TRUTH..and we will be victorious!!!



Nona Mouse said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

FIRST, whoever wrote this piece....DO NOT SIGN OFF "PEOPLE of EARTH" -- for you are ONE PERSON and you do not have the full opinion of all.

If you are drinking the water in TEXAS that is a MAJOR PROBLEM that will effect your skin. Your body is 75% water when properly hydrated and if you are only drinking 2/3 bottles of water (which is very acidic), then you are living in a state of "chronic" dehydration!!! YOUR SKIN IS THE INDICATOR of what is going on internally!

Drake is doing what he is doing intentionally because we are at the 11th hour and he can only say so much. DO YOUR RESEARCH and you will know just how precarious things are at this 11th hour! DRAKE IS NOT A PSYCHO and what he shares is often cryptic but it is filled with truth.

IF YOU ARE TIRED OF THE RHETORIC, then JOIN YOUR LOCAL militia and learn the hard factual truth -!

STOP COMPLAINING for it is YOUR NEGATIVE ENERGY THAT FUELS THE are stuck in the matrix and are causing your own downward spiral.

OUR STAR FAMILIES are here to help us as well as our INNER EARTH/Hollow EARTH families ( THANK THEM ALL FOR BEING HERE AND DOING their part behind the scenes.

We have all been LIED to our entire life but it is NOT THE TIME TO SEND out this negativity to the ones who are sharing more information than MSM (main stream media) ever has....BE THANKFUL!

FOCUS ON WHAT YOU DESIRE to manifest instead of complaining!

ASK "the DIVINE" and connect into THE SOURCE with love and light....with what you would like changed and with deep gratitude for the wonderful changes ahead.

COMPLAINING AND SENDING this type of energy out solves NOTHING!

We all live on MOTHER EARTH together and right now to spit on HIGHER BEINGS who are helping us, is foolish!
It is also not fair to do this since you have NOT MET any of these beings!

If you do not like what you are hearing and/or reading IGNORE it and go find your own information.

WE ARE ALL ASCENDING WITH MOTHER EARTH so please go with the flow and let go! Namaste.

Anonymous said...

All the channelers do is to pacify us,little by little, so we get our hopes up. This way they can keep on screwing us and take away all of our rights. By the time we wake up to what has been done it will be all over for us. FEMA camps here we come. We need a place to sleep, a hot meal or two and for you to tell us how good you are treating us!

Anonymous said...

Don't trust the channelers . Always be carful when listening to any channeling. And do not expect any real action results from this Channels. Instead focus on connecting with your higher self

Anonymous said...

yes it's true what this man says, all we get is messages about our galactic brothers distroying all the reptoid villains from all the undergroud tunnells,and even if it were true we cannot see it, so what we need is something tangible that we all can seems that everything today is taken on trust,so come on out whoever you are and lets see some evidence,we really are not asking for much,there is plenty here for you,EXAMPLES-:chemtrails,haarp antenna,monsanto poisons,deliberate oil spills in the sea,flouride in our water,drones killing innocent civilians worldwiode,also NATO SERIAL KILLERS AND THUGS killing innocent civilians,and any other false flag events from around the world,otherwise if nothing is done and we really are facing an alien invasion,i think that i will join them.sincerely TONY LANE

Anonymous said...

i one other thing that we can add to that list above for to put right,and that would be distroy or get rid of all the thousand US AIR BASES from around the world including area 51,because they are the only country doing it and by itself it'svery existence is an act of war.area 51 was created in the forties when president truman betrayed america and the whole world when he signed a deal with ET'S for alien technology in exchange for human and animal extraction that included mostly children for the food cunsumption of the aliens,and later when president eisenhower had an offer to put it right by a freindly group of aliens he turned it down because it did not include technology and this betrayal of america and the world still goes on by the CIA,NSA and the military and washington.yours truly TONY LANE

Anonymous said...

You contract in with the bad guys. The good guys cannot impair the obligations of contracts. Duh!
It's been posted by many messengers how you are playing the game and are contracted in of your free will.
No one is going to rescue you.
You jump in a sinking boat and yell, I'm a proud passenger of a sinking boat. Everyone should pledge allegiance to our flag. But it's sinking someone remove the captain. Save me, save me.

Yeah right.
First we grow up.

Anonymous said...

A youtube series of videos from Allies of Humanity.
They had a statement,
"If you believe only what you see.
You'll believe only what is shown to you."

We are beyond just seeing. There is an inner connection that leads to 'knowing'.

Anonymous said...

There are people, myself included that are going to the courts and beating them at their own game and backing them down. Instead of bitching at John about his content that is fair and balanced because he does allow everyones point of view. Why dont we learn the laws and fight them with their own legal system.

Everyone was so willing to take T. Turner down that they didnt care if what he was saying about the law was true. I have found that we dont have all the answers but this guy proved that there wasnt a law that says we have to pay income tax ( I dont mind paying a tax as long as it is going to the right places)but it isnt a law, and no matter how you look at it you may hate the guy but he has put his money where his mouth is and because he is correct about the income tax laws and mortgages and our remedy people cant believe its true. Well I'm here to tell you that the courts dont want to speak about the mortgages that were paid off the minute we signed the promissary note because once you sign that note the bank sells the note and keeps the mortgage contract but the bank gets paid for the note and keeps your mortgage contract for you to pay. Heres the deal once the bank sells the note the mortgage as far as your concerned in the law it is paid for and you dont have to finish your loan schedule/contract because of this.

Get off your butts and make your UCC paperwork and send it to file at the Hague and then to Bern Switzerland to the UPU and they will post it in international law and begin to live like what you are by law and that is an American national and not a U.S. citizen because that is a foreign corporation, a Crown corporation and the longer you sign up for benefits in the form of food stamps ssi checks and any benefits even licenses you are keeping this system going.
Do a Rod Class educational vid and see what you think. You are the one with the power and they will try to beat the law but they cant beat the law with code and statute because code and statute only applies to a corporate entity and not the living breathing man or woman. This is international law.
Oh and when you see people even T. Turner get arrested instead of saying I told you so or he deserves it why dont you look at the law and see if he really deserves it. You may find that eventhough the man himselve wasnt the greatest , but what he taught may be your only option because it is the law of the land and TPTB want you to know that if you follow the law they will arrest you because they dont want to have to live up to the 1933 bankruptcy which requires them , the corporate U.S. to pay the bills since they took our lawful money away .
You are the creditor for the U.S. Corporation, they couldnt pay the bills so they made a 14'th amendment citizen to blur the lines between the real American national and the U.S. Corporate Citizen. So who are you?! The U.S. Corporation was built to take the American people down. Did you know that the banks and courts knew this all along and in their court proceedures the have a rule 11 that will disbar an atourney for using this info to defend homeowners. Look at the court proceedures , look at who you are because the one that signes the note is the holder in due course for that note and that would be all homeowners. So if the bank sells the note then they have to give you your money back with your title because the only thing they lent you was credit not money, they had the money printed with your signatre and credit so thats your money because under the bankruptcy act your house was to be charged of in the bankruptcy so the bank didnt pay for the house they embesseled the money they made from your signature so here we are with all this debt why because the contract that was made with the American We The People has been broken and we are rquired by the banks to pay for the debt that they incurred . If you knew you were the originator of the note then you must know that you are a partner with the bank in that note and you are due the profit that they make when they sell it.

Anonymous said...

Get real first,pal( 9:33AM) Rules are for two who contract to play by the rules! We have two parties,ourselvels and the filthy cabal,banksters,that play by teir rules(anything goes)so don't preach about legal BS here! It doesn't exist and won't until we arrest and adjudicate the evil scum for all their unbelievable crimes against humanity! It's about setting priorities first!We have had all kinds of legal documents filed with the Hague and they are as worthless as tits on a bull as far as law enforcement! Pastor Manning conducted a legal trial against the Usurper potus and he was found guilty on fourteen counts of fraud,sedition,and treason.He took it to our totally corrupt congress and Senate and they burried it! That really inspires one to use our criminal legal system. Go preach to someone else,you pathetic Drake followers!
Excuse the gross analogy but,you have to get rid of the crap before you do any paperwork!

You get that minuteman! It takes courage,seems to be lacking in all of our leadership!

Anonymous said...

there one other detail missing and that the news of the chemtrails and haarp,there is a lot of bullcrap going around on the news,and a lot of people worldwide know that hurricane sandy has bee engineered by the haarp antenna,i do know also that earthquake of tokyo was haarp and and one of the rockerfellers was recorded threatening the japanese indutrial ministers with the earthquake so we know that they are part owners of it,so why dont we get some pictures of all those scumbags who are responsible for its implementation and distrution of lands and properties around the world.TONY LANE

Anonymous said...

To the one who is constantly pushing up Tim Turner:
Tim Turner is in fact a liar and a fraud, a disinformation agent and a bad actor. All of the above.

Drake isn't much better, but in truth at least Drake is trying to get the truth to the public - even when he is fed wrong data.

The truth is that yes, you are NOT the LEGAL FICTION posted on U.S. Birth Certificates which claims it is a living person.

The PERSON on your Birth Certificate is deceased, and a fiction. This is something Tim Turner never teaches anyone nor would he.

Secondly, you are under no obligation to contract with any entity - and the Birth Certificate is a Trust account - it is a corporate entity.

The certificate itself is a corporation.

Thirdly, you are under no obligation to pay any taxes at all if you never contract with the legal fiction to PAY TAXES. Which all that means, is you have to sign your name in all CAPS multiple times; and legally agree to be bound to the contract of the Birth Certificate which contains the trademarked ALL CAPITAL NAME.

Fourthly, you should never send them anything nor bother them with some kind of piece of metal, your own currency, or anything at all in fact - something Tim Turner never taught. Turner states you need to send them your own instrument to pay taxes, own your own laws and your own "Republic."

This is all garbage!!
There is no laws, only codes and statutes. Never has been since the CORPORATE FICTION took over decades & decades ago.

You do not need to go to them for ANYTHING.

What you can in fact do, is learn to file binding separation from your "PERSON" account estate. This permanently makes you a manager of your Estate, and divorces you from its liabilities. This also makes it so you can dismiss the "LEGAL FICTION" system of law, and live as a Free Man eventually, once you cease paying things using debt notes.

They don't want you to know any of this, but it does not matter. It is what the truth is. It is something that no galactics, Tim Turner or anyone else is ever going to tell you - because basically it is how to escape.

Learn it, study it, ENFORCE it.
YOU have the power, not the completely fictitious corporation. Tim Turner deceives, and will never say this.

But because so many enjoy being slaves, they will throw up smoke screens and continue to agree to be the Pharoah's livestock by simply voluntarily contracting with it.

If you truly understand what a contract is, then you simply recognize you have UNKNOWINGLY contracted with a fiction since birth. Your ALL CAPS NAME is that fiction. When you get your ducks in a row on that one, then & only then, can you permanently exit this FEMA camp fraud & once and for all be left alone to contract with only people you like.

Anonymous said...

P.S: Paying Taxes with anything other than FEDERAL DEBT NOTES or a legally recognized annulment process are a quick ticket for jail.

You should never pay those things, ever if what you were after is a different life. Those tendered debt notes are contracts to pay. PAYING ANY DEBT WITH DEBT, IS A CONTRACT TO PAY BACK WITH INTEREST

Paying anything with silver or gold, should only be with confidants who accept silver or gold. Not just anyone, not a taxman.