Wednesday, October 17, 2012

DRAKE - Response to Open Letter #3

NESARA – Open Letter to Drake #3 and Response

by Drake

So why haven't you given out flat tires or some such to these planes?
Yes I say a lot and IF you were/are as astute as you say, YOU would know how to find the live actions happening NOW!
Only a very few of us will know Before it is time...
And no, you do not have the 'call' on actions you seem to need so desperately.
So, what to do?
-> Join The W A I T Club, like everyone else has.
Because you are no more 'special' than ALL the Others Who Get TO... W A I T !!!
Yeah, and many of those in intel have no idea either...
Cause they, like so many, do NOT have the need to know...that's why.
I threw EVERYONE under the bus of their own making.
How's that?
-> Everyone Needs to do their own HOMEWORK, look it up, and see IF they are as much as they think, by finding it out themselves.
Does everyone want the usual RUMORS, or the truth?
I REFUSE to make neat shit up, several can't even get new news. Just listen to any of the three other main 'truth' people who are broadcasting. These even have to go backwards to bring any 'news' at all.
What does that tell you?
It means that as I have stated...
Are you as READY as you say you are?
IF so, why are you loosing it?
Where is your PATIENCE?
Mine is in OVERTIME...on Steroids...Nightmares of apocalypse coming...
Think of KNOWING and not being allowed to say anything...Hmmm? a superman level! Think of trying that out, Hmmm?
Under the bus?
I been gettin run over by a whole fleet of buses...!
...and yet, we may have definitive news as soon as tomorrow.
We will see.
~  Drake


Anonymous said...

Right with you Drake. Don't take crap from anyone. The moves have to be calculated and re-calculated and so on. Patience, friends, anything good is worth waiting for. Just because it’s not happening fast enough for some, doesn’t mean it's not in the making. People's lives are hanging in the balance. You just can't go ahead and hurt the ones that have sworn you to silence. Be covert and “Get The Job Done” - Jackie Blue

brokenwrench said...

dear drake

we spoke pn the phone some time back the biggest test of faith some of us face now is forgiving the ones who do not know what they are talking about or saying and if the found out the truth would not know what to do with it if they got it. some of these folks think they have to run everyone ease's business and lives when they don't have a clue how to run theirs.

Anonymous said...

Beware all those who challenge Drake or will not drink his coolade as you will be attacked and abused by his blind cult followers. It does not matter how many deadlines are missed. How many lights turn green. How much intel is parroted or retracted.

Drake is the light of the world, follow or ye shall walk in darkness.

Never mind the fact that all things being equal, the simplest answer tends to be the right one. The simplest answer being that drake s full of BS.

Never mind all of the above. Just follow blindly.

Anonymous said...

Right on Drake, it is good to see someone counter like an adult. WAIT is the key, yes it is painful. What is going on behind the scenes is too touchy to tell the people - the whole country might revolt (rightly so) and then crush our leadership (rightly so) and then realize they have no idea how to set up another government. Read the post below. People would also throw bricks thru storefronts. In addition a revolt would end in bloodshed. We do not want to draw a sword at this point. We are too close and must learn peace. It is a fresh concept and we are somewhat slow catching on, it isn't our fault.
I am furious about the chem trails also - don't they realize they are killing themselves. It should be stopped yesterday but those retards spraying them will be short on friends soon, at odds with the global population.

Anonymous said...

I'm the one who said he threw them under the bus, and even I can appreciate his answer!
Well done Drake.
Doesn't change my 'opinion', but a good discourse is always welcome among One.
I had a dream. Maybe it was to prepare me for what's next, I don't know.
A man grabbed a woman and was going to stab her (or pretended to), another man tried to stop him and was stabbed and there was blood (or maybe there wasn't), the first man was going to stab the woman when another man saw all the action and jumped in, was stabbed and blood (or was he), then the woman somehow got the knife and stabbed her attacker, over and over and he just laughed and said, look, it's all fake, it's all fake.
Turns out the knife was collapseable. Each time it was used it seemed like it was penetrating the skin of the intended victim (or the attacker at the end), but it was collapseable but you had to use force to collapse it so to you, it was breaking skin. Seems the first guy was in on the fake attack because he reacted so quickly like nanoseconds from when the attacker grabbed the woman to stab her but before the knife came down and reacted as if he was stabbed when he wasn't really stabbed and the second guy that was stabbed looked for his wound and wondered, why so much blood if you didn't stab me, and the fake attacker raised his hand - fist to mouth - and he blew in his hand toward the second guy and opened his hand as he blow to indicate he had a blood powder or blood liquid that splattered as he stabbed the second man. The woman didn't know it was fake, she thought she was being attacked and defending herself. The dream ended.
I've got many thoughts, but I am no dream analyzer. I've always been told if you have good things going on in your life you have bad dreams, and if bad things are going on, you have good dreams to balance things out spiritually (can't remember who and they didn't claim to know, they was repeating what they were told).

This dream was just that, a dream, neither good nor bad. As for my life; it's fulfilling with challenges I seem to be able to face and manage, so neither good nor bad.

Drake, I don't listen to your show anymore. I've moved on to effect change in the world, and I appreciate your response to your followers.

Anonymous said...

Of COURSE "they" realize they're killing people - that's the Illuminati/ET goal - EXTERMINATION of humans, and warming the atmosphere for the ETs. Earth is a rare water planet and they want it.

I like Drake and he's educated in many things. However, I was surprised on Sunday to hear he didn't know who Sibel Edmonds is. Most of the readers at this and similar sites have known about her for literally YEARS, and her site BOILING FROGS. She warned her boss, current FBI chief Mueller, AND Grassley and others in Congress about specific PNAC neocons and 9/11, but Mueller shut her up LEGALLY for 8 years, right up to the day she testified in court (reported by Wayne Madsen).

I agree with others that there is a problem with what Drake is reporting regarding foreign troops. I don't BELIEVE they have left -- they are manning the FEMA camps and in hidden places on federal lands. In addition, Chinese troops have been stationed just over the border in Mexico for several YEARS. If the military's job is protect Americans, why haven't covert actions taken place against those troops and why hasn't their present been brought up to the Mexican President by Hillary? Our military must WANT them there for some reason, and it's OBVIOUSLY "not" for our benefit. Same on the Canadian border.

Some of the things Drake has NOT disclosed:
1) The military moving their equipment away from the east coast in the middle of the night

2) There may be a nuclear bomb planted in the Atlantic ocean to create a huge tsunami which will be blamed on "earth changes"

If the Pentagon JCS top generals don't CARE about their TROOPS (and it's CLEAR that they DON'T), the people need NOT expect them to care about us. Many of these top general and admirals (Myers, Cosgriff, Fallon, McRaven, Kimmitt - read have been willing to perpetrate FALSE FLAGS against Americans now and in the past. They are responsible for:

a) DESERTING VIETNAM VETERANS left in VIETNAM and repeatedly covering this up!

b) mandatory vaccines like Anthrax which caused Gulf War Syndrome and debilitation of the ENTIRE U.S. military force. (no need to collect retirement)

c) mandating use of depleted uranium guns, ammo, tanks (ARE THEY CRAZY? YES!)

d) REPEATED DEPLOYMENTS, which were previously UNHEARD OF, leading to psychiatric problems

e) Refusal to conduct a war that we WIN or that ENDS - DELIBERATE INCOMPETENCE OF THE JCS.

f) Failure to "safeguard" and STOP ISRAEL's sniping and IED bombing of our troops.

g) At least since the 80's, ordering brand new airplane engines and other parts, SALVAGING THEM, and forking them over to ISRAEL. THAT IS "THEFT" BY THE PENTAGON AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, who are already funding Israel's entire war machine and the bribes with which they pay-off congress.

h) STEALING $9 TRILLION (Rumsfeld announced $2.3 trillion one day prior to 9/11. Susan Lindauer says the amount was $9 TRILLION) The office auditing the missing funds was the one hit on 9/11 by a drone.
The dual-citizen Israeli Pentagon Comptroller on 9/11 was Dov Zakheim, who is NOW a Romney "advisor". WHAT do you think he'll be "advising" Romney to do? MORE WAR, maybe? There was NO investigation, NO arrest, NO nothing. There are internet stories tracing some of the missing funds to Israel. JCS and their corrupt minions got the rest?

The missing $9 trillion is in ADDITION to $7 BILLION in planeloads of cash sent to Iraq for rebuilding that went "missing". And where did all that CASH and GOLD go that was in the Iraq bank, the Libya bank, all those other mid-east banks, the basement of the WTC? THE SPOILS OF WAR ARE SUPPOSED TO GO TO THE PEOPLE "PAYING" FOR THE WAR? WHERE IS IT? WHERE IS THE OIL?

Anonymous said...

If YOU were awake, you'd know the word is spelled "koolaid". Stop soiling your pants because you want things done RIGHT NOW. Go back to your left-wing woo woo sites for comfort.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:38: Do you have any common sense? If China and Russia are working with 150+ other countries to take down the criminal ponzi dollar scheme and replace it with a global metals-backed currency, why would they send troops to America to take it over and imprison Americans? It makes no sense. You couldn't be that dense....could you?

Anonymous said...

Typical Drake answer. Just wait! It could happen as early as tomorrow. Problem is, Drake has no answers and is feeding you sheeple a line of BS. This guy is one of the best snakeoil salesman on the internet.

Anonymous said...

First, just because we've "heard" that is true doesn't make it so. Secondly, there is a prophecy that the U.S. will be invaded, and there are even MAPS showing where the invasion points will be. Thirdly, there's another prophecy (this time Mormon) that the minute a Mormon becomes president, we will be invaded. I don't think it MATTERS who the president is -- plans have been made and are in the works, and there's a HUGE clamp-down on ALL info, even to the point of the perpetrators reading all the blogs. Wonder why good ole NSA can't do THIS. They're PAID enough!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's a LONG waiting "game". It's best we just get on about our business. The seasons are passing and the leaves are turning already.

Anonymous said...

Just yesterday in the UK I was watching a chemtrailer flying by pretty low when it ran out of muck, as often happens but this time instead of starting up the spraying once more, it vanished before my very eyes with just the chemtrail remaining? WTFWT??? So this implies that some of the trailers aren't planes at all, but instead spaceships with a hologram of a plane sound and all!

Anonymous said...

i love drake, but you are right and it does mater if what drake said comes true, he aways say 2 weeks then when 2 weeks comes and you ask what happend then drake takes a hard left hes good at taking hard lefts on alot of things instead answering the question srait up, if he dosent know he should say he doesent know. drake pleace stop whith the hard lefts when answering questions,give it 2 us strait,we will under stand. I asked a question on your show the other knight that was important 2 me,and you answerd me whith a non answer i steal dont know what you were talking about,i would have prefered you tell me you dident know, than give me all that gobaly goop. in your words quit it.

Anonymous said...

drake will aways say 2 weeks then when 2 weeks come and we ask him what happen he takes a hard left spits out a bunch of gobaly goop,am tired of the gobaly goop,strait answers is what i want, if he doent know then say i dont know, we will under stand I know things go wrong,saving the world is hard work,i get it, but i am a adult.When i ask a question i what 2 know what the answer is or say i dont know.I asked a question that was important 2 me on the show the other knight, and whith a hard left and some gobaly goop a non answer was procuced was that, like i said i am aduld speak 2 me like an adult. Strait answers please, stop whith the hard lefts and gobaly goop.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

did you get a sample and find blood, and pus, and urine, and metals, and nanites, and radioactive material?

Anonymous said...

Hi Drake,
Only one of us old messers is responding to this ridiculous response you made. I have never seen so much cockamamie BS. If you can't stick to our concerns do not say a thing. It just shows us old messers you are either on the bad guys side and are trying to distract the readers OR you do not have squat. Don't mess with us old messers... We hope and pray you are right, BUT as my Dad said if it looks like a skunk amd smells like a skunk it has to be a zebra? You have said the foriegn troops are gone, and now you say they are here to help.... Are you OK?? What is it?? The military has up until now been killing usa citizens with this chemtrail crap and they need to be adjudicated. They are Trader!!! Any of them that have been letting this happen... PERIOD. Kapesch!